
Facial recognition identified Paul on one of his videos and he was arrested in 2017, but while he was awaiting trial, he died by suicide. 

"Adams, 37, shared several videos of the abuse, including a graphic nine-minute video filmed inside the family’s Bisbee home which federal authorities used to identify him. He was arrested at a USBP station in February 2017 and later admitted abusing his 11-year-old daughter for several years. He even described to investigators the difficulty he had trying to vaginally penetrate his recently-born infant daughter."

"McIntyre would not reveal the names of those who are or have been under investigation, but he and other sources previously confirmed it is related to possible violations of Arizona Revised Statute 13-3620, commonly known as the mandatory abuse reporting law. Among those involved in the current investigation are special agents with Homeland Security Investigations, the federal agency which played a key role in the initial Adams’ sexual abuse case."

"Paul Adams was found hanging in his one-person cell at a pretrial detention center on Dec. 16, 2017, one day after learning he would stand trial on both state and federal charges. In April 2018, his wife pleaded no contest to two counts of child abuse endangerment and is slated to be released from state prison in July 2020 after which she must serve four years of supervised probation."

"In asking for leniency, Leizza Adams’ defense attorney contended his client did her best to protect her six children but “relied too much” on guidance from local church officials. All of the children have been adopted or placed into new families."

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Source:, Date Released: June 23rd, 2023
Date Shared: June 23rd, 2023

Mormon Officials In Bisbee Being Investigated For Not Reporting Child Sex Abuse

Date Shared: January 11th, 2024
Date Released: December 11th, 2019

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